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Council Connections - 18 July 2024

18th July 2024

Congratulations Arian Fichera and Mia Serra and Upcoming Events

Herbert River Farmers’ League Celebrates Annual Bursary Presentation

On Saturday 29 June 2024, the Herbert River Farmers’ League hosted its Annual Bursary Presentation evening at the Royal Hotel.

This year, two exceptional students were honored with bursaries:

  • Arian Fichera; and
  • Mia Serra.

Both recipients are students at JCU Townsville, enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine, and 2023 graduates of Gilroy Santa Maria College.

In light of the current challenging times, the Farmers’ League encourages senior students from local high schools to apply for its scholarships.

The financial support can significantly aid in purchasing textbooks and other essential materials.

Application forms for bursaries for 2024 will be available at all high schools in mid October 2024.

Established in 1897, the Herbert River Farmers’ League remains a vital link to the original Planters Clubs of the late 18th century.

As the League’s 115th and 116th recipients, Council and Herbert River Farmers’ League wish Arian and Mia success in their undergraduate studies and future medical careers.

Well done St Teresa’s College Abergowrie

A huge shout out to St Teresa's College Abergowrie for leading the way in Hinchinbrook.

Working with members of Council's Waste Team, the students and staff at St Teresa’s have introduced some fantastic initiatives to help reduce their environmental footprint. 

From the purchase of a purpose built ‘Containers for Change’ trailer, to the proper management of cardboard produced in the College dining room and offices, they are well on the way in their waste reduction journey.

Some further areas of focus this year include:

  • Better management of food waste and steel cans from the dining room kitchen; and
  • Reducing the use of single use plastics on campus.

Great job team!

If you are a school, community organisation or business wanting help on your own waste reduction journey, contact Council’s Waste Team.

Ingham Family History Association Inc Open Day

Join the Ingham Family History Association team for morning tea and discover the rich history of our district while learning how to research your family history.

It's a great opportunity to connect with others and delve into the past.

Date:   Tuesday 6 August 2024

Time:   10.00am

Where: Hinchinbrook Shire Library

Cost:    Free

Ingham Family History Members will be available to discuss DNA enquiries, displays, and general research.

Ingham Family History Association members meet at the Hinchinbrook Shire Library every Monday to share research, tips and to motivate others to uncover information and stories about their ancestors.

Plastic Free July

Be a great sort and choose to refuse single use plastics!

Plastic pollution is wreaking havoc on our waterways and natural spaces.

More than eight million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans each year, representing 80 per cent of all litter in the oceans.

At our current dump rate, by 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish!

In the words of the iconic Australian singer Paul Kelly, ‘From little things, big things grow’ and the same applies to our choices around single use plastics.Little changes today can lead to big improvements tomorrow.

This Plastic Free July and beyond:

  • Carry a reusable coffee cup or water bottle;

  • Bring your own shopping bags;

  • Buy food in bulk to reduce packaging;

  • Stay away from disposable razors;

  • Use wooden or metal pegs instead of plastic; and

  • Use your yellow kerbside recycling bin properly.

Small steps, big difference.

2024 Hinchinbrook Health and Wellbeing Program

Next weeks' free program starting Monday:

  • Gentle Exercise - Optimise Health and Wellness
    31 McIlwraith Street Ingham
    Monday 22 July 2024
    9.00am to 10.00am;
  • Aqua Aerobics
    Hinchinbrook Aquatic Centre
    31 McIlwraith Street Ingham
    Thursday 25 July 2024
    8.00am to 9.00am; and
  • Yoga
    Tweak Fitness Ingham
    82 Cartwright Street Ingham
    Thursday 25 July 2024
    6.15pm to 7.00pm

If a session is full, please contact Council to be added to the waiting list for that date.

RSVPs are essential as numbers are limited!

Please RSVP for each session individually.

For further information or to RSVP, please visit Council's website, Events Calendar page.

This program is proudly supported by Hinchinbrook Shire Council, PHN Northern Queensland, North Queensland Sports Foundation and Move It NQ.

Half Yearly Rate Notices to be Issued in September

Are your contact details up to date?

Half Yearly Rate Notices will be issued in August 2024 with payment due by Monday 30 September 2024.

Have you moved house recently?

Have any of your contact details changed?

Would you like to receive your notices electronically.

If so, please contact Council to update your details or visit Council’s website Rates and Charges page.

Need to print the Council Connections page? Click on the link below for the printable version. 


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