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Council Connections - 19 September 2024

19th September 2024

Hinchinbrook's Newest Australian Citizens, Rates Notices Due!

Hinchinbrook Shire Library Mural

The Hinchinbrook Shire Library has a new mural painted by the talented 'Art by Lavinia'.

Come and visit these school holidays and take an image with your favourite TYTO Wetland friend!

Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

Rates Notices Due!

Don't forget, Rates Notices are due for payment by Monday 30 September 2024.

Pay your rates in full on or before the due date and you will go into the draw to win $2,000 to be spent locally at up to five Hinchinbrook Shire businesses of your choice.

Council encourages ratepayers who may have difficulty making payment to discuss a payment plan as soon as possible.

Ratepayers also have access to assistance under Council’s Financial Hardship Policy.

Hinchinbrook's Newest Australian Citizens

On Tuesday 17 September 2024 Mayor Ramon Jayo proudly welcomed seven new Australian citizens during a delightful Citizenship Ceremony held at the Hinchinbrook Shire Library.

The newest members of the Hinchinbrook community are Mr James Capstick, Mr Itai Chishanga, Miss Leigh-Ann Christians, Mrs Rakta Krause, Ms Stacey Lay, Mr Jonathon Pearce and Mrs Barbara Ratton.

The ceremony was attended by several Councillors, Member for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto as well as family members of the new citizens, who came together to celebrate this significant milestone.

The Hinchinbrook region values and celebrates our diversity, and Council extends its heartfelt congratulations to our new citizens and wishes them all the best in their new chapter of life.

“The decision to become an Australian Citizen is a major one. Like other major life decisions, it is a choice that involves commitment, responsibility, public recognition, celebrations of the present, and hopes for a common future” said Mayor Jayo.

To read the full Media Release, please visit Council's website, Latest News page.

Gymnastics School Holiday Workshop

Children ages 5+ will have fun, learn and experience gymnastics with the fully qualified coaching staff from the Ingham Gymnastics Training Centre Tully Gym and Trampoline Club.

Date: Thursday 26 September 2024

Time: 9.00am to 3.00pm

Where: Ingham Gymnastics Training Centre, Showgrounds Pavilion Hall

Cost: $20 per person

Spaces are limited, and bookings are essential.

Purchase your ticket from www.hinchinbrooktickets.com.au.

Council Wants to Know Where Flying Foxes are Hanging Out

In an effort to better understand why flying foxes roost in various locations across the district, including urban areas, Hinchinbrook Shire Council is seeking input from the community on where and when flying foxes are camping throughout the year.

Supported by funding from the Department of Environment and Science, Council is reviewing its current Flying Fox Roost Management Plan.

This review will consolidate existing data and incorporate new information to improve the understanding of flying fox distribution and roost dynamics across the Shire.

To determine what drives flying foxes into urban areas, Council seeks to identify nonurban or alternative roosting sites.

Mapping and monitoring these sites will help in understanding the broader population's extent and seasonal distribution.

The ongoing success of Council's Flying Fox Management Strategies relies on staying updated on changes in flying fox populations and community engagement.

Local knowledge is crucial for creating an accurate map of flying fox distribution within the Shire.

Residents are encouraged to share any current or historical information on flying fox roosts or camps they may have.

Consultation period closes 5.00pm Monday 30 September 2024.

For further information or to provide information on roosting sites, please contact Council’s Natural Assets Team by phone on 4776 4731 or email council@hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au.

Save the Date - Find Your Future in Hinchinbrook

Council traditionally hosts an annual Careers Expo in May, Find Your Future in Hinchinbrook, located at the TYTO Conference and Events Centre.

The Find your Future in Hinchinbrook event provides an opportunity to bring together representatives from various industries, employment sectors and training organisations to showcase local career and employment possibilities and training pathways available locally.

In 2025, the event will be held at the Link2Country Expo on Friday 23 May 2025, combining two dynamic events to offer an even broader platform for exploring local career pathways.

This collaboration aims to enhance the experience for attendees and exhibitors alike. As in previous years, exhibitor registration will remain free of charge.

For further information regarding Find Your Future in Hinchinbrook, please contact Julie Mac Pherson via email jmacpherson@hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au.

Community Grants - Youth Achievement Award - Applications are open!

Youth Achievement Grants are aimed at individuals or groups who reside within the Hinchinbrook community, are aged 24 years or younger, participating at a national level and representing the Hinchinbrook Shire.

Participation could be, but not limited to academic, cultural or sporting pursuits.

A maximum of $250 will be award to an individual or $700 for a group of three or more members.

Applications for 2024-2025 Community Grant close Wednesday 11 June 2025.

To check your eligibility and to download an application form, please visit Council's website, Community Grants page.

Regional Arts Development Fund Round 1 2024-2025 - Applications Have Opened

Bring your artistic vision to life!

Do you or someone you know have a creative project idea that could contribute to arts and culture in the Hinchinbrook Shire?

Applications for funding through Council's Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Program are now open and being accepted until 5.00pm Sunday 20 October 2024.

RADF is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Hinchinbrook Shire Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

To download an application form and to find out more, visit Council’s website, Grants and Funding page, or contact the TYTO Regional Art Gallery via email

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COUNCIL CONNECTION - 19 September 2024

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