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Waste Facility Tours

Ever wondered where your waste and recycling end up?

Well, now you can find out.

Council’s Waste Department offers school, business and community groups free guided tours of waste facilities, both in the Hinchinbook Shire and Townsville.

These tours provide visitors a behind the scenes view of the journey and destination our waste and recyclables undertake, once they go in the bin.

Warrens Hill Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre

This one-hour tour is close to home and provides a fascinating insight into the workings of a modern landfill and the variety of items that are recyclable and free to dispose of in the Resource Recovery section of the facility.

Visitors are given a short presentation on what makes up a landfill, the problems landfills across the world face, followed by a tour of the site and visit to the tip face itself. Appropriate for groups of 15-20.


What on ERF is the MRF?

The incredible Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in Townsville is a state-of-the-art facility that processes the contents of all yellow lidded bins from across our region.

The tour gives a dedicated all access education experience offering visitors an up-close viewing of the process involved in the sorting of recyclables, removal of waste and the baling of materials ready for transportation to market.

Schools and Community groups may also be eligible for bus subsidies of up to $300.00 per tour group.

To book a free Council-led facility tour, please contact Council on 4776 4600 or email the waste department at waste@hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au to express your interest.            


Take a tour through Townsville's Materials Recovery Centre below.

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